27 DEC 2013 by ideonexus

 Have Children Tell Stories to Reduce Anxieties

A toddler falls and scrapes an elbow. A kindergartner loses a beloved pet. A fifth-grader faces a bully at school. When a child experiences painful, disappointing, or scary moments, it can be overwhelming, with big emotions and bodily sensations flooding the right brain. When this happens, we as parents can help bring the left hemisphere into the picture so that the child can begin to understand what’s happening. One of the best ways to promote this type of integration is to help retell the...
Folksonomies: parenting children anxiety
Folksonomies: parenting children anxiety
  1  notes

Having children tell and re-tell stories of traumatizing experiences can help them understand and master their feelings of it.

28 MAR 2012 by ideonexus

 Humanist Values in Parenting

Sure, God isn’t watching us—but our children certainly are! We believe that the best foundation for respecting others is respect for oneself. Once the girls value themselves, it’s easier to teach them to respect their possessions, family, friends, and the world around them. We want our daughters to have compassion, courage, and creativity, but to do that the girls need to develop a fourth C—confidence. The Ancient Greeks taught that pride was a virtue; indeed, Aristotle said it was ...
Folksonomies: parenting atheism
Folksonomies: parenting atheism
  1  notes

Critical-Thinking skills, instilling self-confidence, praise, and encouraging potential.